I have been having a hard time trying to figure out how to sum up this year’s Rally on The Rocks into a single blog post. I am sitting here going back through all the footage and I find myself grinning from ear to ear. But before I tell you why, I need you to know that my biggest fear with what we do is finding that balance between control and chaos because one equals success and the other equals disaster. I like to look at it more as a balance of the two. A state of controlled chaos where man is one with his machine, knowing its abilities and limitations, knowing when he can push it farther or knowing when to back off and reassess. The machine is only as capable as its driver and man is only as capable as his machine. Knowing both the abilities and limitations of one’s self and one’s machine makes the state of controlled chaos possible. I had many moments this week where I knew I could push it farther and on the flip side of that there were moments when I had to step aside. The only way I know how to prepare myself for these situations is two things, experience which comes from time in the seat and having someone more experienced than me to learn from. You must have full confidence in your machine, and the products you choose to put on it plays a big role in that. All of us here at SlikRok are constantly looking for new products that will allow us to elevate the sport, to take what is possible to the next level. Finding that next product that becomes a game changer is what we are all about. A lot of thought, testing, and time goes into the process of choosing which products to run on our rigs. We logged over 150 hard miles, got to meet a ton of great people, tackled some of the toughest trails Moab has to offer without breaking anything , and being able to do this with the best friends a guy could ask for is why I sit here grinning from ear to ear as I recap what we just accomplished.
Rally on The Rocks 2017 Hard Work Pays Off